Aleksander Denisiuk Aleksander Denisiuk welcomes you to his homepage!

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  1. Aleksander Denisiuk: PCA Dimensionality Reduction for Categorical Data, Computational Science – ICCS 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14834, Springer, Cham (2024)
  2. Aleksander Denisiuk: Iterative inversion of the tensor momentum x-ray transform, Inverse Problems, Vol. 39, No. 10, 105002, (2023)
  3. Aleksander Denisiuk: Weighted Hamming Metric and KNN Classification of Nominal-Continuous Data, Computational Science – ICCS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 14074, Springer, Cham (2023)
  4. Aleksander Denisiuk, Maria Ganzha, Piotr Sowiński, Katarzyna Wasielewska-Michniewska, Marcin Paprzycki: Multi-Domain Named Entity Recognition for Robotic Process Automation, Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 940–949, (2023)
  5. Katarzyna Wasielewska-Michniewska, Maria Ganzha, Marcin Paprzycki, Aleksander Denisiuk: Application of Ontologies in the Enterprise—Overview and Critical Analysis, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. 647–658, Springer Nature Singapore (2022)
  6. Aleksander Denisiuk, Maria Ganzha, Katarzyna Wasielewska-Michniewska, Marcin Paprzycki: Feature Extraction for Polish Language Named Entities Recognition in Intelligent Office Assistant, Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1320–1329, (2022)
  7. Aleksander Denisiuk: On range condition of the tensor x-ray transform in Rⁿ, Inverse Problems & Imaging, Vol. 14, No. 3, 423–435, (2020)
  8. Aleksander Denisiuk: Reconstruction in the cone-beam vector tomography with two sources, Inverse Problems, Vol. 34, No. 12, 124008, (2018)
  9. Aleksander Denisiuk, Michał Grabowski: Embedding of the Hamming space into a sphere with weighted quadrance metric and c-means clustering of nominal-continuous data, Intelligent Data Analysis, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1297-1314, (2018)
  10. Aleksander Denisiuk, Michał Grabowski: Low Distortion Embedding of the Hamming Space into a Sphere with Quadrance Metric and k-means Clustering of Nominal-continuous Data, Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 153, No. 3, 221-233, (2017)
  11. Aleksander Denisiuk, Michał Grabowski: A Variant of the K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Continuous-Nominal Data, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES 2015, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 403, 17–26, (2016)
  12. Aleksander Denisiuk: Inversion of the x-ray transform for complexes of lines in Rn, Inverse Problems, 32, 025007, (2016)
  13. Aleksander Denisiuk: Interpolation procedure in Filtered Backprojection Algorithm for the Limited-Angle Tomography, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems CORES 2013, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 226, 551–558, Springer, (2013)
  14. Aleksander Denisiuk: On Numerical Reconstruction of a Function from incomplete data of Arc means in Seismic Tomography, Machine Graphics & Vision, Vol. 20, Issue 4, 413–437 (2011)
  15. Alexander Denisjuk: Using Open Source technologies in the system for assistance with the didactics organization in Elbląg University of Humanities and Economy, Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Zarządzania, Częstochowa, 12, 65–71 (2008) (In Polish)
  16. Alexander Denisjuk: Układanie rozkładów zajęć w systemie SWOD (omówienie), Acta Elbingensia, Elbląg, V, 257–267 (2007).
  17. Alexander Denisjuk: Inversion of the X-ray transform for 3D symmetric tensor fields with sources on a curve, Inverse Problems, 22, 399–411 (2006)
  18. Alexander Denisjuk: The Problem Olympic Games from Olympiad on Informatics, Informatization of Education, No. 4, 52–64 (2002)
  19. Alexander Denisjuk: The Problem Refreshments from Olympiad on Informatics, Informatization of Education, No. 2 (2001)
  20. Alexander Denisjuk: On reconstruction of a stable part of band-limited function by interpolation Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics on NAS of Belarus, vol. 5, 60 62 (2000)
  21. Alexander Denisjuk: On two approaches to the problem of reconstruction from the arc means with incomplete data, Mathematical research, vol. 2, I. G. Kozhukh (ed), BrSU, Brest, Belarus, 11–15 (2000)
  22. Alexander Denisjuk: On a certain method of integral geometry problems solution, VIII Bealrusian mathematical conference, vol. 1, Minsk, Belarus, p. 15 (2000)
  23. Alexander Denisjuk: On some problems of integral geometry in elliptic, hyperbolic and Euclidean spaces, Conference Symmetries in geometrical analysis, International Banach Center, Warsaw, Poland, p. 2 (2000)
  24. Alexander Denisjuk: On applying the factorization mapping method in integral geometry, Conference Differential equations and computer algebra systems, Brest, Belarus p. 2 (2000)
  25. Alexander Denisjuk: Application of factorable mappings method to integral geometry, Poster No. 152. Section 10. Third European Congress of Mathematicians, Barcelona, Spain (2000)
  26. Alexander Denisjuk: On solution of certain problems of integral geometry in elliptic, hyperbolic and Euclidean spaces, International Seminar-School on geometry and analysis, dedicated to 90th anniversary of N. V. Efimov, Rostov University, Russia (2000)
  27. Alexander Denisjuk: Integral geometry on the family of semi-spheres, Fractional calculus and applied analysis, vol. 2, No 1, 31–46 (1999)
  28. Alexander Denisjuk: Stable part inversion of the spherical mean transform after incomplete data, Erugin Conference—VI, Gomel, Belarus, p. 3 (1998)
  29. Alexander Denisjuk: Double-orthogonal functions in a problem of reconstruction after spherical means with incomplete data, International conference AMADE-99, Minsk, Belarus, 72–73 (1999)
  30. Alexander Denisjuk: The Paley-Wiener theorem for integral transform related to integration over semi-spheres, Proceeding of the conference Issues of Informatics, Minsk, Belarus, 552–556 (1998)
  31. Alexander Denisjuk: Using the Internet possibility in learning, Conference dedicated to S. G. Kondratenya, Brest, Belarus, p. 82 (1998)
  32. Alexander Denisjuk: On reconstruction of a function by spherical means, Conference dedicated to S. G. Kondratenya, Brest, Belarus, p. 53 (1998)
  33. Alexander Denisjuk: On reconstruction of a function by spherical averages, Erugin Conference—V, Brest, Belarus, vol. 2 62–63 (1998)
  34. Alexander Denisjuk: Internet and teaching of natural sciences, Erugin Conference—V, Brest, Belarus, vol. 2 95–96 (1998)
  35. Alexander Denisjuk: On reconstruction of a function by spherical means, Conference Mathematical methods in tomography, Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach, p. 5 (1998)
  36. Alexander Denisjuk: On inversion of the X-ray transform in Rn, Proceedings of the International conference SAATS-97, Brest, Belarus, 207–216 (1997)
  37. Alexander Denisyuk: Explicit Inversion Formulas for the Ray Transform in Spaces of Constant Curvature, Siberian Mathematical Journal, vol. 38 915–925 (1997)
  38. Alexander Denisjuk: Applying the moments method for solution of the linearized inverse kinematic problem of seismic, Erugin Conference—IV, Vitebsk, Belarus, p. 147 (1997)
  39. Alexander Denisjuk: On a problem of integral geometry in spaces of constant curvature, Topology and applications, International topological conference dedicated to P. S. Alexandroff's 100th Birthday, Moscow (1997)
  40. Alexander Denisjuk: Inversion of the X-ray transform for three classes of line complexes in Rn, International Conference SAATS-97, Brest, Belarus, p. 85 (1997)
  41. Alexander Denisjuk: On the inverse kinematic problem of seismic, Proceedings of the conference Issues of Informatics: mathematical, programming and informational education, Minsk, Belarus, p. 250 (1996)
  42. Alexander Denisjuk: On Inversion of the X-ray transform in spaces of constant curvature, Proceedings of the VII Belorussian Mathematical Conference, vol. II, Minsk, Belarus, 148–149 (1996)
  43. Alexander Denisjuk: On the Goursat problem for hyperelliptic equation, Erugin Conference, vol. II, BrPI, Brest, Belarus, p. 18 (1996)
  44. Alexander Denisjuk: On inversion formulae in integral geometry on the sphere, Proceedings of the conference 30 years of BrPI, vol. I, BrPI, Brest, Belarus, p. 23 (1996)
  45. Alexander Denisjuk: Inversion of the Radon transform and tomography, Proceeding of the conference 25 years of Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science DAMCS, BSU, Minsk, Belarus, 61 (1995)
  46. Alexander Denisjuk: On experience of teaching of logical programming in pedagogical institute, Proceedings of the conference 50 years of BrSU BrSU, Brest, Belarus, 96–98 (1995)
  47. Alexander Denisjuk: Inversion of X-ray transform in space of constant curvature, Proceedings of the 51st international conference 75 years of BSPA BSPA, Minsk, Belarus, 130–131 (1995)
  48. Alexander Denisjuk: On exact explicit formulas for inversion of X-ray transform, Computerized Tomography: proceedings if the fourth international symposium held in Novosibirsk on 10–14 August, 1993, (M. M. Lavrent'ev editor-in-chief) Utrecht, the Netherlands, 117–123 (1995)
  49. Alexander Denisjuk, Maria Ganzha: Introduction to Prolog, Manual for students of Mathematics Department, Krasnoyarsk, KSPU (1994)
  50. Alexander Denisyuk: Inversion of generalized Radon transform, AMS Translations, Ser. 2, vol. 162, 19–32 (1994)
  51. Alexander Denisjuk: On exact explicit formulae for inverting of X-ray transform, Fourth international symposium on computerized tomography Novosibirsk, (1993)
  52. Alexander Denisjuk: On a problem of integral geometry, V Siberia School on Algebra and Analysis, Irkutsk, 33–36 (1993)
  53. Alexander Denisyuk: Local structure of hyperbolic complexes of curves, Russian Math. Surveys, vol. 45, No 5 225–226 (1990)
  54. V. Palamodov, A. Denisjuk: Inversion de la transformation de Radon d'aprés des données incomplètes, C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, t. 307, Ser I 181–183 (1988)

Technical Reports

  1. A. S. Denisjuk, M. I. Ganzha, S. A. Markov, V. N. Rudecki: Double orthogonal function systems and their applications to integral geometry, Report, BrSU, Brest, Belarus (2000) (In Russian)

Other publications

  1. Alexander Denisjuk: Wykorzystanie możliwości serwerów Online Judge w przygotowaniu drużyny oraz w organizacji zawodów w programowaniu a talk (in Polish) I gave on April 30, 2010, at the First Warmia and Mazury programming contest at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (2010)
  2. Alexander Denisjuk: On support theorems for X-Ray transform with incomplete data a talk I gave on November 9, 2009, at the Inverse Problems Seminar at the University of Washington, Seattle (2009)
  3. Alexander Denisjuk: On X-ray transform of symmetric tensor fields a talk I gave on November 2, 2009, at the Inverse Problems Seminar at the University of Washington, Seattle (2009)
  4. Alexander Denisjuk: Recommendation for changes of the website Dobre Wina, proposed changes will make the site more attractive for search engines (2009) (In Polish)
  5. Alexander Denisjuk: Using Open Source technologies in the system for assistance with the didactics organization in Elbląg University of Humanities and Economy, a talk I gave on May 12, 2006, at Częstochowa, on the conference Internet, Multimedia i Systemy Informatyczne w Zarządzaniu (2006) (In Polish)
  6. Alexander Denisjuk: Discrete Mathematics, Manual for Students, PWSZ, Giżycko, Poland (2004) (In Polish)
  7. Alexander Denisjuk: Mathematical Analysis, Manual for Students, PWSZ, Giżycko, Poland (2004)
  8. Alexander Denisjuk: On inversion of the X-ray transform of symmetric tensor fields in spaces of constant curvature. Plurikomplexa seminariet, Uppsala University (2003)
  9. Alexander Denisjuk: Numerical Analysis, Manual for Students, PWSZ, Giżycko, Poland (2003)

Mathematical Reviews

Since 1995 I am reviewing for Mathematical reviews. I have published over 100 reviews of books and articles on integral geometry, tomography, integral transforms, special functions, geophysics.

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