Anna Muranova


tylko w trakcie semestru


*Semester letni 2024

LaTeX szablon dla postera UWM WMiI

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Zainteresowania badawcze

Grafy, sieci electryzny, algebra.


23.11.2022 - 22.11.2023 Grant NCN MINIATIURA-6 dla projektu "Problem Dirichleta dla grafów nieskonczonych nad cialami uporzadkowanymi".

Życiorys zawodowy


Moja liczba Erdösa jest 3 (Wolfgang Woess – Carsten Thomassen – Paul Erdös)

* Anna Muranova "Dual Cheeger constant for weighted graphs over ordered fields" in Lecko A., Thomas Derek K. (eds.) Current Research in Mathematical and Computer Sciences IV, Wydawnictwo UWM, pp. 81--94 (2023) Link to preprint
* Anna Muranova "The effective impedances of infinite ladder networks and Dirichlet problem on graphs". Bulg. J. Phys. vol.49 no.2 (2022), pp. 115-135 Link to preprint / Link to paper (Open Access)
* Anna Muranova, Wolfgang Woess "Networks with complex weights: Green function and power series". Mathematics, 10(5):820 (2022). Link to preprint / Link to paper (Open Access)
* Anna Muranova "On the effective impedance of finite and infinite networks". Potential Analysis 56, pages 697 -721 (2022) Link to preprint / Link to paper
* Anna Muranova "Effective impedance over ordered fields". Journal of mathematical physics 62, 033502(2021) Link to preprint / Link to paper (Open Access)
* Anna Muranova "On the notion of effective impedance". Operators and Matrices. Volume 14, Number 3(2020), p. 723-741 Link to preprint / Link to paper



* Yuri Muranov, Anna Muranova "Homology of graph burnings" Link to preprint
* Matthias Keller, Anna Muranova "Recurrence and transience for non-Archimedean and directed graphs" Link to preprint
* Ragon Ebker, Anna Muranova, Max Schmidt "Power iteration for matrices with power series entries" Link to preprint
* Florian Fischer, Matthias Keller, Anna Muranova, Noema Nicolussi "Capacity of infinite graphs over non-Archimedean ordered fields" Link to preprint
* Anna Muranova "Discrete Laplace and transition operators over non-Archimedean ordered fields" Link to preprint
* Anna Muranova, Robert Schippa "Eigenvalues of the normalized complex Laplacian on finite electrical networks" Link to preprint
* Ragon Ebker, Anna Muranova, Max Schmidt "Power iteration for matrices with power series entries" Link to preprint
* Florian Fischer, Matthias Keller, Anna Muranova, Noema Nicolussi "Capacity of infinite graphs over non-Archimedean ordered fields" Link to preprint
* Anna Muranova "Discrete Laplace and transition operators over non-Archimedean ordered fields" Link to preprint
* Anna Muranova, Robert Schippa "Eigenvalues of the normalized complex Laplacian on finite electrical networks" Link to preprint