VI Międzynarodowa Konferencja





Saturday, November 21, 2020



09:00   Opening


Plenary lectures

Chairman: D. K. Thomas

09:15 - 09:55                J. Banaś: The technique of measures of noncompactness in the study of solutions of infnite systems of integral equations

10:05 - 10:45                M. Nowak: On kernels of Toeplitz operators

Chairman: S. Singh

10:55 - 11:35                V. Allu: The Bohr phenomenon for certain analytic and univalent functions

11:45 - 12:25                D. K. Thomas: An overview of results on successive coeffcients of univalent functions

Chairman: V. Allu

12:35 - 13:15                S. Sivasubramanian: On a class of analytic functions related to Robertson's formula and subordination

13:25 - 14:05                S. Singh: Zeros and geometric properties of hyper-Bessel functions

Section - Complex analysis, I

Chairman: M. Mateljević

14:15 - 14:40                S. Beig: Directional convexity of the convolution of harmonic mappings

14:50 - 15:15                S. Sahoo: Bohr inequalities for certain integral operators

15:25 - 15:50                M. Svetlik: Some versions of the Schwarz lemma for harmonic mappings

16:00 - 16:25                N. Tuneski: Coeffcient inequalities for certain classes of univalent functions

Chairman: A. Wiśnicki

16:35 - 17:00                I. Chyzhykov: Classes of analytic functions with prescribed set of singularities

17:10 - 17:35                A. Huczek: A uniffed approach to Wolff-Denjoy's theorem

17:45 - 18:10                A. Ligęza: On Hamiltonians of the fourth Painleve equation

18:20 - 18:45                P. Michalak: Minimal generating set of directed unoriented Reidemeister moves


Section - History and didactics of mathematics, I
(Organizers: S. Domoradzki and R. Długosz)

14:15 - 15:00                I. Jóźwik, M. Terepeta: Matematycy Politechniki Łódzkiej w początkach istnienia  uczelni

15:10 - 15:40                W. Walat: Główne problemy edukacji wyższej w związku z wprowadzeniem pełnego kształcenia zdalnego

15:50 - 16:15                M. Krukowski: Kilka słów o programujących matematykach

16:25 - 16:50                M. A. Zambrowska: Geometria w pierwszych latach szkolnej edukacji. Wybrane programy nauki z lat 1792-2020

17:00 - 17:25                R. Długosz, M. Lindner: Zwycięstwo technik synchronicznych

17:35 - 18:00                A. Szpila: Zdalne nauczanie w Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim na kierunku matematyka –przebieg, problemy, efekty

18:10 - 18:35                W. Wójcik: The universal nature of Stefan Mazurkiewicz's mathematical research



Sunday, November 22, 2020


Plenary lectures

Chairman: M. Nowak

09:00 -  09:40               D. Shoikhet: Nonlinear Resolvent and rigidity of holomorphic mappings

09:50 - 10:30                S. K. Lee: Zalcman conjecture

Chairman: D. Shoikhet

10:40 - 11:20                M. Elin: Differentiability of semigroups of Lipschitz or smooth mappings

11:30 - 12:10                S. Kaliraj: Analytic and Harmonic Hardy Spaces

Chairman: M. Elin

12:20 - 13:00                P. Liczberski, R. Długosz: A problem of the Fekete-Szegö type for Bavrin's families of holomorphic functions in Cn

Chairman: P. Liczberski

13:10 - 13:50                A. Swaminathan: Geometric Properties of Analytic Functions Associated with Nephroid Domain


14:00-14:30        Poster session



Plenary lectures

Chairman: M. Lachowicz

14:35 - 15:15                K. Kołowrocki: Safety analysis of multistate ageing system with inside dependencies and outside impacts

15:25 - 16:05                J. Chudziak: Positive homogeneity of the principle of equivalent utility

Chairman: J. Chudziak

16:15 - 16:55                M. Golasiński: Harmonic polynomials and polynomial maps of spheres

17:05 - 17:45                M. Lachowicz: Integro-differential kinetic equations and this strange world

Chairman: M. Golasiński

17:55 - 18:35                A. Wiśnicki: Linear and nonlinear extensions of the Ryll-Nardzewski theorem



Saturday, November 28, 2020


Plenary lectures

Chairman: T. Sugawa

09:00 - 09:40                A. Lyzzaik: Valency crietria for harmonic mappings of bounded boundary rotation

09:50 - 10:15                D. Bshouty: Univalent Harmonic Mappings onto polygons. Topology and Geometry

Chairman: A. Lyzzaik

10:25 - 11:05                T. Sugawa: Coeffcient estimates of the Riemann mapping functions

11:15 - 11:55                M. Mateljević: On Kellogg's theorem for harmonic quasiconformal mappings

Chairman: D. Bshouty

12:05 - 12:45                S. Ponnusamy: The Bohr inequality for the generalized Cesàro averaging operators

12:55 - 13:35                A. Wolny-Dominiak: Risk premium in property/casualty insurance - statistical approach

Chairman: S. Ponnusamy

13:45 - 14:25                J. Zając: Extremal problems for harmonic mappings with boundary normalization. Applications

14:35 - 15:15                D. Partyka: A simple deformation of harmonic mappings

Chairman: J. Zając

15:25 - 16:05                O. Ahuja: The Wonderful World of Quantum Calculus and Rapid Growth of the q-Disease in Geometric Function Theory

Section - History and didactics of mathematics, II
(Organizers: S. Domoradzki and R. Długosz)

16:15 - 16:55                M. Bečvářová: Women and Mathematics at the German University in Prague

17:05 - 17:30                P. Błaszczyk: Axioms for Euclid’s theory of proportion

17:40 - 18:05                M. Zarichnyy: Topologia we wpisach z Księgi szkockiej

18:15 - 18:40                J. Koroński: Irena Łojczyk-Królikiewicz (1922-2019) w kontekście krakowskiej szkoły nierówności różniczkowych Jacka Szarskiego (1921-1980)

18:50 - 19:15                M. Wenderlich: Doświadczenia krystalizujące w rozwijaniu uzdolnień matematycznych polskich laureatów olimpiad międzynarodowych IMO

19:25 - 19:50                S. Domoradzki: Wspomnienie o śp. Dr Danucie Węglowskiej (1942-2020)

Section - Applied mathematics

Chairman: K. Kołowrocki

16:15 - 16:40                B. Magryta: Safety and cost optimization of port and maritime transportation systems

16:45 - 17:10                E. Dąbrowska: Probabilistic approach to prediction of maritime oil spill movement

17:15 - 17:40                M. Torbicki: Modelling critical infrastructure safety impacted by climate-weather change process

17:45 - 18:10                M. Kolev: On some applications of mathematical models in biology and medicine

Chairman: M. Kolev

18:20 - 18:45                I. Naskinova: Convolutional neural networks for X-ray chest images

18:50 - 19:15                I. Nikolova: Analysis of autoimmune diseases by mathematical models

19:20 - 19:45                B. Garkova: On the application of a mathematical model in electrochemistry



Sunday, November 29, 2020


Plenary lectures

Chairman: S. K. Lee

09:00 - 09:40                N. E. Cho: Various suffcient conditions for carathéodory functions

Chairman: N. E. Cho

09:50 - 10:30                V. Ravichandran: A survey on univalent functions with fixed second coeffcient


Section - Complex analysis, II

Chairman: A. Swaminathan

10:40 - 11:05                Y. J. Sim: Bounds for the fifth coefficients of analytic functions

11:10 - 11:35                M. Sharma: Higher Order Differential Subordination for the functions with positive real part using Admissibility Techniques

11:40 - 12:05                S. Anand: Certain estimates for a unified class of normalized analytic functions

Chairman: V. Ravichandran

12:15 - 12:40                S. Kumar: Differential subordination for certain Carathéodory functions

12:45 - 13:10                K. Sharma: Radius of starlikeness for two classes of analytic functions

13:15 - 13:40                A. Sebastian: Radius of starlikeness of certain classes of analytic functions

13:45 - 14:10                S. Malik: Radius of starlikeness for Bloch functions

Chairman: S. Sivasubramanian

14:20 - 14:45                S. Kavitha: Coeffcient estimate results for few subclasses of analytic functions involving subordination

14:50 - 15:15                L. Wani: Radius constants for functions associated with a limacon domain

15:20 - 15:45                M. Ahamed: Uniqueness result of meromorphic functions and some shared value problems

Chairman: D. Partyka

15:55 - 16:20                A. Khalfallah: Some properties of mappings admitting general Poisson representations

16:25 - 16:50                I. Matychyn: On optimal control of linear fractional differential equations with variable coefficients

16:55 - 17:20                E. Trybucka: On a new result for a family of even holomorphic functions of several complex variables

17:25 - 17:50                M. Parol: Kaplan classes for polynomials with all zeros on unit circle

Section - Computer science
(Organizer: P. Artiemjew)

Chairman: P. Artiemjew

14:45 - 15:05                A. M. Zbrzezny, A. Zbrzezny: Checking MTL Properties of Timed Automata with Dense Time using Satisfiability Modulo Theories

15:10 - 15:30                G. Białoskórska for A. Niemczynowicz, R. Kycia: Bayesian compression for categorical data)

15:35 - 15:55                K. Pancerz: Classification Strategies in Classification and Prediction Software System (CLAPSS

16:00 - 16:20                J. F. Peters: Amiable Fixed Sets. Extension of the Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem

16:25 - 16:45                Z. E. Csajbók.: Rough Continuity in the View of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

16:50 - 17:10                S. K. Tadeja, D. Janik, P. Stachura: Object Assembly Assisted with Augmented Reality Interface and QR-Based Tagging : An Early Stage Report

17:15 - 17:35                B. Staruch, B. Staruch: Parametrized family of similarity-based classifiers

17:40 - 18:00                R. Kycia, A. Niemczynowicz: Landauer’s principle in multivalued logic.



18:10 - 18:25     Closing




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