Aleksander Denisiuk welcomes you to his homepage!
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My research interests are shared between Mathematics and Computer Science. Mainly it involves: Integral geometry, Tomography, Special functions, Differential geometry, Microlocal analysis, XML-based tools, Free Software, Web-applications, Open standards, OpenDocument format, Electronic Publishing.
Grants and Research Groups
- 2000
- Grant Nr. 2000739 from Belarussian Ministry of Education,
Double orthogonal function systems and their applications to integral geometry
. Principle investigator. - 1995
- Grant INTAS/RFBR 95-0763
Mathematical Problems of Geotomography
. Member of V. Palamodov's research group. - 1994
- Grant N2E000 from International Soros Foundation (joint with V. Palamodov).
- 1993
- Grant from Krasnoyarsk region science foundation for young scholars.
- 1992
- Grant from Krasnoyarsk region science foundation for young scholars.
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