Aleksander Denisiuk Aleksander Denisiuk welcomes you to his homepage!

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My research interests are shared between Mathematics and Computer Science. Mainly it involves: Integral geometry, Tomography, Special functions, Differential geometry, Microlocal analysis, XML-based tools, Free Software, Web-applications, Open standards, OpenDocument format, Electronic Publishing.

Grants and Research Groups

Grant Nr. 2000739 from Belarussian Ministry of Education, Double orthogonal function systems and their applications to integral geometry. Principle investigator.
Grant INTAS/RFBR 95-0763 Mathematical Problems of Geotomography. Member of V. Palamodov's research group.
Grant N2E000 from International Soros Foundation (joint with V. Palamodov).
Grant from Krasnoyarsk region science foundation for young scholars.
Grant from Krasnoyarsk region science foundation for young scholars.

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