How to get from Poznań to Będlewo on your own?

See a map of the neighbourhood of Będlewo and, if you go by car from Poznań, see the map of the roads conecting Poznań and Będlewo.

You essentially have two options:


  • Take a taxi from Poznań , e.g. from the Railway Station/Poznań Airport, to Będlewo - the cost would be in the range of 100 - 200 PLN ($30 - 60), depending on the negotiations with the taxi driver (this is because Będlewo is well outside Poznań city limits and not all taxi drivers will agree to go there);

  • or

  • First take a train from Poznań to Mosina (look at German Railways for timetables), and then take a taxi (13 kilometers) to Ośrodek konferencyjny in Będlewo. The cost of a taxi from Mosina to Będlewo should be about 40 PLN ~ 10 Euro ~ $13.

  • If you have any problems please call the reception in Będlewo

    (+ 48 outside of Poland) (0 from Poland) 61 813 51 87

    For possible train connections, Warszawa-Poznań, Berlin-Poznań, Poznań-Mosina, look at the official web pages of German Railways, and choose a suitable language.